Gotcha Local

2 Websites Smart Marketing or TOTAL Blunder?

I have a bunch of doctors asking me these days if 2 websites is a problem.

The logic being that well if one website gets me “x” new customers then 2 will get me double that.


This is 99% of the time a total bone-head move.

You see most of the clicks got the the top spot.So it is better to have the top spot than the 3rd and 5th or something like this.

AND It is easier to get the top 2 spots with the same site than it is with 2 different sites.

So splitting your effort over two sites is BAD.

And Google is out to try to have you fail at that strategy.

With their most recent updates they have made this strategy even harder.

Also you only get 1 Google Place listing and whichever site you assign that to, gets that credit.

Hiring two different firms that BOTH do a places listing is a violation of Google terms for YOU, not them.

YOU, will get hurt not them.

Find 1 company that you can know and trust.

Don’t jump around from company to company and site to site.

You leave virtual junk and Google does not like it.

Most marketing companies will do nothing to clean that up for you.

So YES 2 websites is a problem.  DO NOT DO IT!

Have 1 that kills it, ranking #1 and #2 for all your main keywords.

Then you will have the traffic you need and want.

Then you can focus on conversion rates on 1 site.

Then you can add more traffic with paid advertising.

I hope this makes sense and some of you STOP doing things like this.

You will get more new customers if you listen to me.

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