Gotcha Local

Does Your Search Engine Ranking for your Local Business website matter?

Here are some recent statistics as to the answer to whether or not it is a good idea to have the #1 ranking in the search engine for your Local Business website:

These are the top 10 results inside Google, and the percentage of times that they get clicked.

Rank % of Clicks Visits per 1,000

1   42.1%   421

2   11.9%   119
3     8.5%     85
4     6.1%     61
5     4.9%    49
6     4.1%     41
7     3.4%    34
8     3.0%    30
9     2.8%    28
10  3.0%    30

What do you think…

Is search engine optimization important?

Or are you feeling lucky?

Until next time…


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