Are You A Really Good Dentist, but Your Bank Account is Smaller than YOU want?
Discover How You Can Make Money with New Patients From the Internet AUTOMATICALLY… Without Ever Lifting A Finger!
Hello Doc.
Let me let you in on a little known secret.
There are actually only TWO Principles or reasons your internet marketing is failing. And why the “other” guys are getting more LEADS than you are.
#1 You are not getting enough traffic to your website.
#2 Your website is not converting the traffic you are getting into leads.
That’s the good news. But the bad news is there are literally thousands of moving parts that influence those 2 Principles of Success not the least of which include:
- Most Dental Marketing Companies Are TOO Big for you. And you are JUST a number to them.
- Most Dental internet companies are simply web designers (not marketers). This gives you “pretty” design but no CALLS!
- Most companies do not track and manage results. Translation: No Idea What IS working and what is NOT.
- You are too busy to manage your internet marketing. Your time is TOO valuable to do this anyway!
- Your staff wastes 50% or more of the leads you do get. Scary, I know, but I can prove it to you.
- And unfortunately the list goes on and on.
Just a few short months ago, I was interviewed by Dental Marketing Expert Jerry Jones. Questions were asked to help explain these issues and give you real solutions to these real problems.
I have been paid millions of dollars for these marketing secrets over the last few years. In turn I have made my clients tens of millions of dollars in profits as well using these secrets.
Now let me warn you, these secrets are not some get rich quick thing. These secrets take some work on the part of an expert marketer and on the part of your team. But you are already paying your team you might as well put them to work.
As for the expert marketer to choose, you have many choices I know. They come in all different shapes, sizes and prices but all seem to say the same damn thing right?
And I mean different sizes, these prices can actually range from $100/mo to $4500/mo. And UNfortunately price paid does not guarantee results.
Just like choosing where to take your wife to eat you could take her to get steak at Del Taco for a few bucks or Gibson’s Steakhouse for a few hundred.
If you think that an expert marketer can be hired for a few hundred dollars per month you will continue to have the same types of problems you have now. Sure you are not spending much so your monthly budget is ok but you are getting no results. I have a few choice charities I can recommend if you prefer to donate that money and at least get a tax write off.
Now I am not trying to sell you any services right now so I am going to stop talking about expert marketing costs but I want to simply let you know that.
In fact today you will learn on my DIME.
I have just 50 copies of this CD left from an earlier printing and decided in the holiday spirit to give them away.
So fill out this form with you name, email, address and phone number and the first 50 will get the CD completely free, I will even pay the shipping!
Promise #1
This information is 100% Free and Can Be used to generate more new patients than you are getting now.
Promise #2
There really are only 50 copies available and this offer will be gone forever.
Promise #3
Someone is getting the Leads from the internet in your area, its not you, its your competitor!
[gravityform id=”4″ title=”true” description=”true”]*This FREE CD offer is only valid in the United States.
You read the form and for some reason decided to keep reading…
Listen there are no strings, this is truly free. Go back and fill out the form and claim YOUR CD.
Once you do, on the other side, I may even offer you more freebies.
Matt Prados
CEO Gotcha Local
PS: Grab this Free Truth About The Dental Internet CD before supplies Run out!